Year 5 Netball V St. Hilda’s- Thursday 6th October

Posted: 6th October 2022

The sunshine set the scene perfectly for our first fixture of the year, and was matched by the cheerful mood of the Year 5 girls, who had been eagerly anticipating the opportunity since the start of term!  After a thorough warm up and team talks from the captains, Sheoli and Zaynah, they were ready to get underway.

The A team enjoyed a very close game, as both teams challenged each other in all areas of the court. St. Hilda’s took an early lead, with Reddiford having many opportunities to equalise and both teams scoring more goals before the break. A change of positions and tactics at half time strengthened the Reddiford team further, and they went on to win the second half. Congratulations in particular, to Roshni who was voted as the player of the match by the St. Hilda’s players and staff and to Sophie who wanted the ball more than her partner on every occasion.

The B team were aided by some special guests to complete their starting line-up, including Shivika who had the chance to play in her first netball match. The team combined well together to apply what they have been learning this term. Well done to Anika who scored a lovely goal and was voted as the player of the match by St. Hilda’s, and to Zaynah who was always available when her team-mates were looking for someone to pass to and didn’t stop running for twenty minutes!

Thank you to our wonderful supporters, the girls loved having so much encouragement from their friends and families.

Miss Crawford

Categories: Prep News