Amazing News – Reddiford School ranked 4th in the top 100 Independent Schools

Posted: 11th December 2019

We are absolutely delighted to be ranked 4th in the top 100 Independent Preparatory Schools in England by the Sunday Times. This is reflective of the excellent education children receive at Reddiford, along with the support and dedication of our highly experienced staff.

The latest ranking for Independent Preparatory Schools is calculated according to the outcomes of the National Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) in Reading, Mathematics, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar taken by Year 6 children in 2018.

Although this position is a reflection of the academic ability of our children, we also work very hard to get the balance right between academic achievements and a broad education that prepares pupils for senior schools and beyond. Of course, our pastoral support is at the centre of everything we do and Reddiford children thrive as a result of our warm and happy environment.

I believe that our children not only receive an excellent grounding in English, Grammar and Mathematics but with the use of our specialist teachers they are able to take advantage of all that our school has to offer in; Music, Sport, Science, Art/DT, Philosophy, Humanities, Mandarin and other languages, Karate, ICT (Coding) and so much more.

We are also very much looking forward to our new gym and specialist classroom that are in the process of being built. The planned opening of these is February 2020.


Mrs J M Batt

Head Teacher

Categories: Whole School News