Pre Prep

The Pre Prep department (Years 1 & 2) builds on the knowledge and skills acquired in the Early Years. An emphasis is placed on developing confidence and the capacity to learn and work independently or together, in a happy secure environment.

Outstanding pastoral care is provided and we endeavour to instil a love of learning through inspirational teaching. We have highly qualified Teaching Assistants in all classes. Specialist teaching also facilitates their enhanced learning in many subjects.

The children follow a bespoke curriculum that is enhanced by specialist teaching in a number of areas. These include: Computing, Music, French, PE and Games, Swimming and Art. Elements of the KS1 National Curriculum are addressed and this extends into KS2 expectations.

Please see our two videos below to learn all about Reddiford School.
The Journey Begins introduces Reddiford Robins, our school nursery. The Journey Continues is an introduction to the whole school, from Reception through to our Pre Prep and Prep Departments. We hope you enjoy watching them!

The Journey Begins

The Journey Continues